
Personal Growth and Development


What if I could show you a powerful way to reduce the overwhelm, stress, and anxiety?

In 2014, I was introduced to a powerful practice at a time in my life when things were pretty stressful and I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Then again in 2020 as we were all beginning to feel the impacts of Covid on our families, communities, and the world I realized that what I had learned could help others and I sought out a way to help others by teaching them practical tools to Move from Overwhelm to Joy and Ease in the middle of Chaos. 

I am happy to share that since 2020, I have worked with many who have felt

  • On edge and snappy with those they love deeply.
  • Tired and unable to get a good night’s rest.
  • Unable to focus and have seen their productivity and success decline.

I am offering a 90-minute Masterclass to teach you a powerful tool to get you started on Moving from Overwhelm to Joy and Ease in the middle of Chaos.


This Masterclass is being offered on Monday, February 19 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm PST.

This Masterclass is for you if you would like to

  • Gain control over your outbursts.
  • Sleep and eat better.
  • Regain your control over your focus and productivity.

By participating you will be on your way to greater clarity at work, in your relationships, and with what you desire and have the confidence to know you are on the right path for yourself.

Join me

 Monday, February 19 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm PST
On Zoom
There is a limited space of 20 enrollees.
This class is normally $147.
However, I am offering a Special Rate of $39.95 for February.

To Secure your Spot follow the link below!

Register February Masterclass

Have you experienced success and achievements but now you struggle with

  • Overwhelm, stress and anxiety.
  • Feeling unseen and unheard.
  • Afraid to ask for what you need or want in their relationships? Your career?
  • Overtime develop a fear of speaking in front of others.
  • Increase in negative self-talk.
  • Are you unsure who you are and why you are doing what you do with your work?

While these did not occur all at once, however over time you have seen an increase in one or more of the above.

I can help!

I work with women who have found that they have reached a plateau or wall and struggle with Clarity, Confidence, and Connection to who they are and what they want in life.

Schedule your 30-minute Discovery Consultation. I can help you get back on track to living the life you want and being the best version of yourself.
Schedule Discovery Consultation

Career Professional Development

Schedule Discovery Consultation

As a leader or business owner, do you or your team struggle with

  • Decreased Productivity.
  • Not making the impact you have in the past.
  • Not meeting income or revenue targets like you have in the past.
  • Need to increase morale and team spirit.
  • Unsure of the company's mission and vision as the marketplace has shifted.

While these did not occur all at once, however over time you have seen an increase in one or more of the above.

I can help!

I work with women executives and business owners who have found that they have reached a plateau or wall and struggle with Clarity in their careers. They seek a new set of eyes and ears to partner with them to get back on track in their work.

Schedule your 30-minute Discovery Consultation to discuss your challenge and see if I can help you get back on course and achieve the success you desire. 

Schedule 30-minute Discovery Consultation

Workshops, Retreats and Speaking Events

Workshops, Retreats and Speaking Events

The workshops, retreats, and speaking events I participate in provide individuals and companies with inspiration and practical tools to help shift and move toward being the best person, company, and leader you can be so that you can achieve new levels of success.

Subscribe to be informed of upcoming opportunities.
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